BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus and Subjects 2023-24 (PDF)

Are you a student of BSc Physics and searching for the BSc Physics 1st Year Syllabus on the internet? If yes, then you landed at the right place because, in this article, I will provide the complete 1st-year syllabus of BSc physics.

BSc physics 1st year mainly contains 4 subjects in each semester of which 2 are core subjects and the rest are ability enhancement and general electric subjects. With the help of these subjects, you will be able to read and understand the study of physics well and also get basic and advanced knowledge of physics.

One thing, I want to make clear to all of you is that it is not necessary that the syllabus given below matches exactly with the curriculum of your university because the B.Sc Physics syllabus may differ from one university to another. The syllabus information given in this blog post is as per the University Grants Commission (UGC). So, feel free to get an eye till the end.

As far as I hope you already know that BSC Physics is a 3 to 4 years undergraduate level educational course which deals with the study of various aspects of physics.

So, let’s move toward the subjects and syllabus of BSc 1st year physics.

BSc Physics 1st (First) Year: Overview

BSc Full FormBachelor of Science
Total Number of Semesters in 1st Year2 Semesters (6 Months Each)
Complete Course Duration3 Years / 4 Years
Core Subjects2 or 3
Optional Subjects1 or 2

BSc Physics 1st (First) Year Syllabus

Semester ISemester II
English/MIL communications/
Environmental Science
English/MIL communications/
Environmental Science
Mathematical Physics-IElectricity and Magnetism
Mathematical Physics-I LabElectricity and Magnetism Lab
MechanicsWaves and Optics
Mechanics LabWaves and Optics Lab

BSc Physics 1st Semester Syllabus

Mathematical Physics-I
  • Calculus
    • Recapitulation
    • Plotting Functions
    • Approximation
    • Second-order Differential Equations
    • Wronskian and General Solution
    • Calculus of Functions of More than One Variable
    • Maximization using Lagrange Multipliers
  • Vector Calculus
    • Recapitulation of Vectors
    • Scalar Product and Its Invariance under Rotations
    • Scalar and Vector Fields
    • Vector Differentiation
    • Directional Derivatives and Normal Derivative
    • Del and Laplacian Operators
    • Vector Integration
    • Ordinary Integrals of Vectors
    • Multiple Integrals
    • Green’s and Stokes Theorems and Their Applications
  • Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
    • Derivation of Gradient
    • Divergence
    • Curl and Laplacian in Cartesian
    • Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinate Systems
  • Dirac Delta Function and Its Properties
    • Definition of Dirac Delta Function
    • Representation as Limit of a Gaussian Function and Rectangular Function
    • Properties of Dirac Delta Function
  • Fundamentals of Dynamics
    • Reference Frames
    • Inertial Frames
    • Galilean Transformations
    • Review of Newton’s Laws of Motion
    • Dynamics of a System of Particles
    • Centre of Mass
    • Principle of Conservation of Momentum
    • Momentum of Variable-Mass System
  • Work and Energy
    • Work and Kinetic Energy Theorem
    • Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
    • Potential Energy
    • Stable and Unstable Equilibrium
    • Elastic Potential Energy
    • Work & Potential Energy
    • Law of Conservation of Energy
  • Collisions
    • Elastic and Inelastic Collisions between Particles
    • Centre of Mass and Laboratory Frames
  • Rotational Dynamics
    • Torque
    • Principle of Conservation of Angular Momentum
    • Rotation about a Fixed Axis
    • Moment of Inertia
    • Kinetic Energy of Rotation
  • Elasticity
    • Relation between Elastic Constants
    • Twisting Torque on a Cylinder or Wire
  • Fluid Motion
    • Kinematics of Moving Fluids
    • Poiseuille’s Equation for Flow of a Liquid through a Capillary Tube
  • Gravitation and Central Force Motion
    • Law of Gravitation
    • Gravitational Potential Energy
    • Inertial and Gravitational Mass
    • Motion of a Particle under a Central Force Field
    • The Energy Equation and Energy Diagram
    • Kepler’s Laws
    • Satellite in Circular Orbit and Applications
    • Geosynchronous Orbits
    • Weightlessness
    • Physiological Effects on Astronauts
  • Oscillations
    • Simple Harmonic Oscillations
    • Differential Equation of SHM and Its Solution
    • Kinetic Energy
    • Damped Oscillation
    • Forced Oscillations
    • Transient and Steady States
    • Power Dissipation and Quality Factor
  • Non-Inertial Systems
    • Non-inertial Frames and Fictitious Forces
    • Uniformly Rotating Frame
    • Laws of Physics in Rotating Coordinate Systems
    • Centrifugal Force
    • Coriolis Force and Its Applications
  • Special Theory of Relativity
    • Michelson-Morley
    • Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity
    • Lorentz Transformations
    • Simultaneity and Order of Events
    • Lorentz Contraction
    • Time Dilation
    • Relativistic Addition of Velocities
    • Variation of Mass with Velocity
    • Massless Particles
    • Mass-energy Equivalence
    • Relativistic Doppler Effect
    • Relativistic Kinematics
    • Energy-Momentum Four Vector

BSc Physics 2nd Semester Syllabus

Electricity and Magnetism
  • Electric Field and Electric Potential
    • Electric Field Lines
    • Electric Flux
    • Gauss Law
    • Cylindrical and Planar Symmetry
    • Conservative Nature of Electrostatic Field
    • Electrostatic Potential
    • Laplace’s and Poisson Equations
    • The Uniqueness Theorem
    • Potential and Electric Field of a Dipole
    • Force and Torque on a Dipole
    • Electrostatic Energy of System of Charges
    • Conductors in an Electrostatic
    • Parallel-plate Capacitor
    • Capacitance of an Isolated Conductor
  • Dielectric Properties of Matter
    • Electric Field in Matter
    • Polarization
    • Electrical Susceptibility and Dielectric Constant
    • Displacement Vector D
  • Magnetic Field
    • Biot-Savart’s Law and its Simple Applications
    • Straight Wire and Circular Loop
    • Vector Potential
    • Torque on a Current Loop in a Uniform Magnetic Field
  • Magnetic Properties of Matter
    • Magnetization Vector
    • Magnetic Intensity
    • Ferromagnetism
    • B-H Curve and Hysteresis
  • Electromagnetic Induction
    • Faraday’s Law
    • Lenz’s Law
    • Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance
    • Reciprocity Theorem
    • Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field
    • Introduction to Maxwell’s Equations
    • Charge Conservation and Displacement Current
  • Electrical Circuits
    • AC Circuits
    • Kirchhoff’s Laws
    • Complex Reactance and Impedance
    • Series LCR Circuit
  • Network Theorems
    • Ideal Constant-Voltage and Constant-Current Sources
    • Network Theorems
    • Application to DC Circuits
  • Ballistic Galvanometer
    • Torque on a Current Loop
    • Ballistic Galvanometer
    • Current and Charge Sensitivity
    • Electromagnetic Damping
    • Logarithmic Damping
    • CDR
Waves and Optics
  • Superposition of Collinear Harmonic Oscillations
    • Linearity and Superposition Principle
    • Superposition of Two Collinear Oscillations
    • Superposition of N Collinear Harmonic Oscillations
  • Superposition of Two Perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations
    • Graphical and Analytical Methods
    • Lissajous Figures and Their Uses
  • Wave Motion
    • Plane and Spherical Waves
    • Longitudinal and Transverse Waves
    • Plane Progressive Waves
    • Wave Equation
    • Particle and Wave Velocities
    • Differential Equation
    • Pressure of a Longitudinal Wave
    • Energy Transport
    • Intensity of Wave
    • Ripple and Gravity Waves
  • Velocity of Waves
    • Velocity of Transverse Vibrations of Stretched Strings
    • Velocity of Longitudinal Waves in a Fluid in a Pipe
  • Superposition of Two Harmonic Waves
    • Standing Waves in a String
    • Analytical Treatment
    • Phase and Group Velocities
    • Transfer of Energy
    • Plucked and Struck Strings
    • Melde’s Experiment
    • Open and Closed Pipes
    • Superposition of N Harmonic Waves
  • Wave Optics
    • Electromagnetic Nature of Light
    • Definition and Properties of Wave Front
    • Huygens Principle
    • Temporal and Spatial Coherence
  • Interference
    • Division of Amplitude and Wavefront
    • Young’s Double Slit Experiment
    • Lloyd’s Mirror and Fresnel’s Biprism
    • Phase Change on Reflection
    • Fringes of Equal Inclination
    • Fringes of Equal Thickness
    • Newton’s Rings
  • Interferometer
    • Michelson Interferometer
    • Idea of Form of Fringes
    • Determination of Wavelength
    • Wavelength Difference
    • Refractive Index
    • Visibility of Fringes
    • Fabry-Perot Interferometer
  • Diffraction
    • Kirchhoff’s Integral Theorem
    • Fresnel-Kirchhoff’s Integral Formula
  • Fraunhofer Diffraction
    • Single Slit
    • Circular Aperture
    • Resolving Power of a Telescope
    • Double Slit
    • Multiple Slits
    • Diffraction Grating
    • Resolving Power of Grating
  • Fresnel Diffraction
    • Fresnel’s Assumptions
    • Fresnel’s Half-Period Zones for Plane Wave
    • Theory of a Zone Plate
    • Multiple Foci of a Zone Plate

BSc Physics Core Papers

  1. Mathematical Physics I
  2. Mechanics
  3. Electricity and Magnetism
  4. Waves and Optics
  5. Mathematical Physics II
  6. Thermal Physics
  7. Digital Systems and Applications
  8. Mathematical Physics III
  9. Elements of Modern Physics
  10. Analog Systems and Applications
  11. Quantum Mechanics and Applications
  12. Solid State Physics
  13. Electromagnetic Theory
  14. Statistical Mechanics

Skill Enhancement Courses

  1. Physics Workshop Skills
  2. Computational Physics Skills
  3. Electrical Circuit Network Skills
  4. Basic Instrumentation Skills
  5. Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting
  6. Mechanical Drawing
  7. Radiation Safety
  8. Applied Optics
  9. Weather Forecasting

Generic Elective Papers

  1. Mechanics
  2. Electricity and Magnetism
  3. Thermal Physics
  4. Waves and Optics
  5. Digital, Analog and Instrumentation
  6. Elements of Modern Physics
  7. Mathematical Physics
  8. Solid State Physics
  9. Quantum Mechanics
  10. Embedded System: Introduction to Microcontroller
  11. Nuclear and Particle Physics

Discipline Specific Elective Papers

  1. Experimental Techniques
  2. Embedded Systems – Introduction to Microcontroller
  3. Physics of Devices and Instrumentation
  4. Advanced Mathematical Physics
  5. Classical Dynamics
  6. Applied Dynamics
  7. Nuclear and Particle Physics
  8. Astronomy and Astrophysics
  9. Atmospheric Physics
  10. Nano Materials and Applications
  11. Earth Science
  12. Medical Physics
  13. Biophysics
  14. Dissertation

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Allahabad University

Mechanics and Special Relativity Theory

  1. Mechanics
  2. Motion Under a Central Force
  3. Mechanics of Non-Rigid Bodies
  4. Fluid Mechanics
  5. Special Theory of Relativity

Thermal Physics

  1. Thermodynamics
  2. Kinetic Theory of Gases
  3. Conduction of Heat
  4. Radiation

Electrical Circuit and Basic Semiconductor Electronics

  1. Electrical Circuits
  2. Basic Semiconductor Electronics

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Calicut University

1st Semester2nd Semester
Common Course I – EnglishCommon Course IV – English
Common Course II – EnglishCommon Course V – English
Common Course III – Language other than
Common Course VI – Language other than
Core course I – Mechanics ICore Course II – Mechanics II
Core Course V – Practical ICore Course V – Practical I
1st Complementary Course I – Mathematics1st Complementary Course II – Mathematics
2nd Complementary Course I2nd Complementary Course II
2nd Complementary Course Practical I2nd Complementary Course Practical II
Environment StudiesDisaster Management

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus CCS University

  • Mathematical Physics & Newtonian Mechanics
  • Mechanical Properties of Matter
  • Thermal Physics & Semiconductor Devices
  • Thermal Properties of Matter & Electronic Circuits

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Gujarat University

1st Semester2nd Semester
Unit – I: Vector AnalysisUnit – I: Electric & Electronic Circuits
Unit – II: WavesUnit – II: Electrostatic
Unit – III: OpticsUnit – III: Plasma Physics
Unit – IV: LasersUnit – IV: Nuclear Physics

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Kanpur University

1st Semester

  • Vector Analysis
  • Coordinate Systems
  • Fourier Series
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Elements of Partial Differential Equations
  • Reference Frames
  • Rigid Bodies
  • Gravitation
  • Elasticity
  • Viscosity and Fluid Dynamics
  • Surface Tension

2nd Semester

  • Electrostatics in Vacuum
  • Electrostatics in Dielectric Media
  • Capacitance and Condensers
  • Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations
  • Electrical Images
  • Steady Current
  • Magnetic Effect of Steady Current
  • Electromagnetic Induction

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Kota University

1st Semester2nd Semester
Paper-I: MechanicsPaper-I: Electricity and Magnetism
Paper-II: Wave and OscillationsPaper-II: Optics
Paper III: Physics-PracticalPaper III: Physics-Practical

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Lucknow University

Mechanics and Wave Motion
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion
  • Conservative and Non-conservative Forces
  • Conservation of Energy
  • Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum
  • Rotational Energy
  • Rotational Inertia for Simple Bodies
  • Relations Between Elastic Constants
  • Central Forces
  • Law of Gravitation
  • Kepler’s Laws
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Differential Equation of Wave Motion
  • Reflection of Waves
Circuit Fundamentals and Basic Electronics
  • Measurement of High Resistance
  • Alternating Currents in RLC Circuits
  • Reflected Impedance and Impedance Matching
  • Maxwell’s and Schering Bridges
  • Semiconductors
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
  • Diode as a Rectifier
  • Avalanche and Zener Breakdown
  • Rectifier
  • Transistor Biasing Circuits
  • Transistor as an Oscillator
  • Basic Principles of Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and Its Simple Applications
  • Coherence and Interference of Light
  • Michelsons and Fabry Perot Interferometers
  • Multiple Beam Interference
  • Fresnels Diffraction
  • Fresnel’s Zones and Propagation of Light
  • Resolving Power
  • Polarization
  • Babinet’s Compensator
  • Analysis of Polarised Light
  • Optical Activity and Fresnel’s Explanation
  • Half Shade and Biquartz Polarimeters
  • Application to Simple Systems

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Ranchi University

1st Semester2nd Semester
Electricity &
MechanicsWaves and Optics

BSc 1st Year Physics Syllabus Delhi University

1st Semester2nd Semester
Mathematical Physics-IMathematical Physics-II
MechanicsOscillations and Waves
ChemistryElectricity and Magnetism
Technical Writing & Communication in EnglishDigital Electronics

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